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Extra Thumbs

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:42 pm
by blok2004
I'd like to propose a new category for your humble consideration:
Extra Thumbs.

This seems to be a gap in our current offering or anyone's offering in fact. A lot of themes nowadays support the display of extra thumbs. Or screenshots from the movie in question. Usually in the information area. The problem is that as far as I know there isn't any place to scrape these images automatically. And they all need to be done either with a scraping tool such as Ember. Or manually. The outcomes of the above two options usually creates images with black bars due to aspect ratio, or just general low quality images.

If we were to offer Extra Thumbs perhaps at the same resolution as our current landscape images I think we could reduce the above problems, while still providing the highest quality images. As an added bonus it should also reduce the number of screen caps we get submitted into the fanart section. And because decent quality images of movies are so easy to find I predict that this section should fill up fairly quickly.


Re: Extra Thumbs

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:04 pm
by leepenny
nice idea - I personally use ember for my extrathumbs and have always wondered what other people do - (tvdb screen grabs for tv shows are dismal)
Things I could see problematic - screen ratios - older movies not in 16:9 (4:3?) and all other ratios inbetween 16:9 would still give you some sort of black bars - the amount of uploaders that WILL submit images with black bars would be astonishing and the amount that would be submitted would be immense !
TBH the TMDB have fanarts that are mostly screen caps so peeps 'could' d/l from there.
It wouldn't effect me either way - we shall see what admin say.

Re: Extra Thumbs

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:26 pm
by Tobby
Then I propose HD episode thumbs

Re: Extra Thumbs

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:20 pm
by blok2004
Yeah we just need to make 'No Black Bars' part of the rules. I think it should be fairly easy to get extrathumbs at the size. Even if you do have to do some cropping.