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Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:43 pm
by akovia
We have a pretty good rule set for every image type already, but sometimes they just don't cover every possible scenario.
Hopefully this will clear up a few things.

First and foremost the site motto should be reiterated here.
“No Image is Better Than a Low Quality Image"

Something else to consider is The Devil Is In The Details

We understand that sometimes there just aren't very good sources to work with, but in those cases you should either get very creative and do your best to re-create the art in higher quality, or upload it to one of the many other fanart sites that don't moderate. Our goal is not to have an image for every single show/movie/album, but to have a Great Image for every single show/movie/album.

Understanding this might help to explain the types of image we are striving for. There is an essence to the site that we would like to achieve, and some images just don't fit into that scope, even if they strictly adhere to the posted rules.
It's also a good thing to remember that just because an image doesn't work well for our library here, doesn't mean you can't use it in your own media center. If you think your image is perfectly fine for your needs, then you should use it on your system.
  • Similar Images:
    Do not try to create every type of logo/image combination you can think of. Each image should be unique and stand on it's own. If you want to offer a different logo option, you should create an entirely new image for it instead of just slapping it onto the same image as the other logo. What you end up with is a bloated library section of basically the same images that someone has to wade though.
    The same goes for different zoom levels of the same image, or images that are only "slightly" different from each other.
    You should treat each image as it's own unique entity and stand-alone piece of art.
  • Similar Images Part 2: AKA Languages
    Each user will now be limited to creating a piece of art in a maximum of 2 languages. Even is they are all unique pieces of art.
    We really don't want to swamp our database with a zillion images in every possible language/format that exists. If there is an interest for some art in a language that is not available, it will prompt that user to either create that artwork themselves, or they can use the request system. This way only images that are in demand are getting produced, and we are not filling up our pages with art gathering dust.
    Our goal should be to try and fill in or make artwork where there is none. This is much more helpful to the site. One look at our Incomplete Section should give plenty of opportunities for people who want to produce a lot of art and want to really help the site at the same time.
  • Clearart Shadows:
    As the rules states, you are allowed to crop on the bottom and right sides of an image. When this shouldn't be done is when there is no need for it. If you are using a full uncropped image for your clearart, then there is no reason to crop the shadows either. The exception to this is when using perspective shadows that are almost an image unto themselves.
  • Clearart Canvas Usage:
    This one is very subjective but you may get a denial when your clearart doesn't use up as much space as it could. You should always strive to use as much of the canvas as possible. Sometimes this isn't easy to do depending on the source you are working with, but it usually just means you need to get a little creative. Usually a mod will give you some pointers on how to achieve this if this happens to you. If not, it might just be an image that doesn't work very well as a clearart.
  • CdArt Cropping:
    I don't moderate CdArt, but this was phoned in from a mod who does.
    All text must not be cropped by disc edge OR center hole – titles/flags/actors etc
    If using characters from movie on custom disc art – do not crop their faces over center hole.
    Partial cropping may be allowed but is at the moderators discretion.
  • Collection Art:
    Collection art should reflect characters or elements that were in all the movies. The idea of collection art is to represent the entire collection, and not just one movie. This can be difficult sometimes but creativity should win out in the end if the effort is there. In the case where the main actor has changed, you could have all the main role actors in the same poster/clearart/banner etc. Or even an element that spans all the movies. Point is, if you make an art with a main character and a villain from a single movie, then that should be used for that movie and not as collection art.
  • Languages: *Updated 1/23/2016*
    If the title of a Movie/TV Show is identical in any country to the title in English, the image MUST be uploaded as English. It is your responsibility to check imdb or tvdb before you upload it.
    English is the default language as well as the fallback language in Media Centers, this will ensure the artwork is available to the widest audience possible. When we move to the new site, we will have an option to set a piece of art to multiple languages which will make this rule obsolete, but until then please observe this rule.
There will be more added to this list as I have more time to work on it, so stay tuned.

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:21 pm
by Mordred
I think I might start sending this to a few people who upload album art.

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:17 am
by JeromyNix
Similar Images:
This is a huge pet peeve of mine and other mods as well. Do not try to create every type of logo/image combination you can think of. Each image should be unique and stand on it's own. If you want to offer a different logo option, you should create an entirely new image for it instead of just slapping it onto the same image as the other logo. What you end up with is a bloated library section of basically the same images that someone has to wade though.
The same goes for different zoom levels of the same image, or images that are only "slightly" different from each other.
This has never been enforced with regularity in the past, but I plan to change that. You should treat each image as it's own unique entity and stand-alone piece of art.
Ok I can understand similiar images of the same type, like Artist Image/ Artist Image of two different zoom levels.. it's still a redundancy. But cross similarities, i believe should be allowed. I mean if you have a image that is suitable for a decent crop for an artist image and an artist background, and you crop it for the artist image, it's suitbility for an artist background is lost... if you crop it for an artist background, the suitability for an artist image in most cases is minimized or lost and perhaps the user would rather have had it as the one which it has not been provided as. Othewise the user would have to locate the original image online and recrop and resize it suitably, unless of course you provide an option for high quality originals.

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:53 am
by akovia
JeromyNix wrote:
Similar Images:
This is a huge pet peeve of mine and other mods as well. Do not try to create every type of logo/image combination you can think of. Each image should be unique and stand on it's own. If you want to offer a different logo option, you should create an entirely new image for it instead of just slapping it onto the same image as the other logo. What you end up with is a bloated library section of basically the same images that someone has to wade though.
The same goes for different zoom levels of the same image, or images that are only "slightly" different from each other.
This has never been enforced with regularity in the past, but I plan to change that. You should treat each image as it's own unique entity and stand-alone piece of art.
Ok I can understand similiar images of the same type, like Artist Image/ Artist Image of two different zoom levels.. it's still a redundancy. But cross similarities, i believe should be allowed. I mean if you have a image that is suitable for a decent crop for an artist image and an artist background, and you crop it for the artist image, it's suitbility for an artist background is lost... if you crop it for an artist background, the suitability for an artist image in most cases is minimized or lost and perhaps the user would rather have had it as the one which it has not been provided as. Othewise the user would have to locate the original image online and recrop and resize it suitably, unless of course you provide an option for high quality originals.
I think you are misunderstanding. I am strictly referring to same section images. You can use the same image for everything from cdarts to posters to banners to backgrounds etc. What people have been doing is taking 1 image for a poster for example, and doing it with different logo options, without any logo, and maybe even at a different zoom level. This is terribly redundant and just clogs up the DB like my last cheeseburger clogged up my arteries. I guess I should have been clearer for the people who have never considered doing this.

Hope it's clear now. ;)

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:05 am
by JeromyNix
Ah it's clear, but i just had a moderator go tantrum on me and delete several of my cross-posted (artist background/artist image) images that shared the same source because of the anti-similar images rule/suggestion

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:59 am
by Paszt
“i just had a moderator go tantrum” - why must you keep being childish? As stated in the PM, I believe it was you throwing the tantrum by stating that the rule is stupid and you'll continue to break it.

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:52 am
by JeromyNix
Stating and acting on an opinion is not a tantrum.... going and deleting images that have already been approved to try to make a point is a textbook tantrum. I'm doing my best to be respectful about my opinion, and you take to spiteful tactics. I'm not seeing where I'm being childish. And I never said i would continue to break a "rule" I said i would continue to submit suitable crops for both artist background and artist images so that a moderator who can appreciate their worth to the end user can approve them. I also said multiple times, without resorting to name calling and judgmental statements, that if they were denied i would abide that decision. I do not appreciate how you attempt to misrepresent me, there have been no rules set on submissions, only on what might/might not be approved.

also you should look above to where this statement is made
"You can use the same image for everything from cdarts to posters to banners to backgrounds etc. "

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:05 pm
by Paszt
I'm not sure why you continue to think that denying images that break the rules is a tantrum. Stating that and saying you will continue to break the rule because you find it stupid is neither respectful nor constructive. You're also wasting moderator time.

I've said it before - since you think the rule is stupid, please create a new thread here so it can be discussed. This is not the proper thread as the rule you think is stupid is not an unwritten rule.

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:14 pm
by JeromyNix
I didn't tell you to come and try to moderate my activity on the forum, you're wasting your own time if that's the case. And if those images would have been in pending, no it wouldn't have been a tantrum... but you actively sought out images of mine that had already been approved (and in some cases over a year old) to delete, and that is a tantrum if nothing else is.

Re: Unwritten Rules Revealed

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:18 pm
by Hercules
Just a message of support. I have had the exact same thing happen to me. Also some of my uploaded images vanishing and then appearing uploaded by the mod in question with no explanation even when I asked for one. I gave up for a few months over it. I was thinking it was just me but your post has made me feel a lot better. Looking at your stats you have done a lot over a long time so good on you for sticking with it. Thanks to the mods who do take the time to make you feel good even when the image is not up to scratch and I will single out @jacktyler and @pete_the_lion for special praise pity they seem to have gone on to better things.


P.S. @Paszt do the right thing and admit you are wrong about backgrounds and thumbs not being able to be the same. It has been stated in this thread and the thumb rules state "IF POSSIBLE try to use images that aren''t already artist backgrounds". If I could find a different one I would.