Movie studios?

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Movie studios?

Post by QuizKid »

What do people think about the idea of adding a central repository for movie studio logos, akin to what's already in place for record labels?
Most skins for XMBC etc seem to be relying on really old studio logos.
I've been collecting higher-resolution mono versions of these for a skin I'm currently trying to put together myself and thought it might be an idea if we added this to the website.
A couple of e.g.s of what I've got, although these will obviously be resized! ... oScga?dl=0
Disclaimer: Those are PNGs comprising just white logos on transparent backgrounds, so they may appear empty on the link above, but you can download them to view properly
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by zorensen »

Good idea! :)
I'm using movie studios logos in my Aeon Nox skin on XBMC.
This might be something for our site as well, however it's not up to me ;)

Any other thoughts about this? Admins? :P

Btw, the DropBox folder you linked to is empty!
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by QuizKid »

Oops, i fixed the link, and added some darker versions as well. ... oScga?dl=0
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by ArieS »

We actually talked about that with Martjin a long time ago...
Here are a few of my thoughts.
- No skins scrap studio logos, they just get them from the studio folder. i.e if the image is not in people's folder, it will not be displayed.
- The size allocated to it in XBMC is so tiny that even a bad image looks decent/good.
- Moderation. We are pretty much down to 3 people moderating the 3 sections... So no way I'll add a new section. I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear but sadly it's where we are at this point.

But feel free to start a thread here in the forums where people can share their own studio logos, make requests for missing ones, etc. And since it's your idea, you get to set the rules :)
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by QuizKid »

No worries, I thought that may be the case. I'll keep what I've got for now and once there's enough, I'll host them somewhere so people can grab them if they want
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by vicmanpergar »

I also like the idea, but the reasons Aries gives are forceful (except may be for the scraping one, i mean, Collection art is not scraped either, we applied those ones manually).
The mods one is, perhaps, the most important one.
It's ok i think, we can all continue this way: it's not a big problem to get those studio logos, and lot better if ppl (like QuizKid) cares to share.
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by zorensen »

Yeah, ArieS brings forward some good points here.
I use Movie Studio Logos myself, but those are added to my XBMC setup manually.

The most important point he have is that we are down to just 3 moderators at the moment. We have enough work on our hands as there is already ;) Use the forums and share your logos - then we all can benefit from it and we won't have to moderate them. Users can just choose the ones they like the best ;)
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by ArieS »

Is there an echo in here? :D
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Re: Movie studios?

Post by vicmanpergar »

There's always an echo in my head.
(too much empty space)
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