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Housekeeping Tips: [Please Read!]

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:09 pm
by akovia
I've written a tutorial on how the database works.
Please read this before making requests here.

If you find a problem that isn't covered in that tutorial, then please list it here and we will try to fix it up. Please describe what needs fixed and post any relevant links so we don't have to hunt stuff down.

One last note:
We really need to fix the problems mentioned in the tutorial on those sites mentioned. We do have the ability to "override" the information we get from those sites, but then we are putting our DB out of sync from our sources. We have done this in the past from time to time but it never really fixes the problem. This is why the tutorial was written.
If you are having trouble making edits on those sites and need help, you can post here and we will try to help the best we can.