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Personal API Key Request Limit?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:05 am
by misterveee

Just need some advice.

I am developing a skin for kodi with skin helper service integration. Within the skin helper plugin i have put my personal api key.

An example usage scenario;
- User opens internet radio plugin
- Skin helper script will pull 4 images on every track change from the API (so every few minutes)

I have this all working great to a point.
After coding and testing for a while, i now have 'Open failed with code 500' or 'Open failed with code 0" or "HTTP response code said error(22)". Some images load others do not, keeping in mind while testing the script made a lot more calls than the example above.

Just trying to rule out hitting some sort of limit with the API as it could be related to the plugin.